It's hard to know what the ups and downs of life have in store for us. In the event of an unforeseen event, Rocket Kredit promises flexible management of your auto loan. You have the possibility of deferring a due date without management fees up to twice a year**. The car loan allows you to finance the purchase of a new or used vehicle. This loan allows you to have a sum of money from €2,000 to €35,000 for a car more than 2 years old or a new car, which you can use at your convenience to purchase a motorcycle or a new or used car. The new car loan is intended to finance a new car or one less than two years old for a repayment period of between 12 and 72 months (Variable). It can also be used for the purchase of a new motorcycle or one less than two years old.
27 rue octave feuillet, Nantes
07 56 97 47 90

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